The leading Swedish boating magazine Båtnytt has conducted a test of Fred 25, and the review was really good and it is referred to as “a flexible workhorse.” “Physical disability is no barrier on Fred 25. Large surfaces and clever detail solutions provide the opportunity for an accessible boating experience for everyone.”- Staffan Westerling, Båtnytt
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Gothenburg Boat Show 2012
on January 15, 2012 in Uncategorized
Fred Boats (Hanterbara Båtar in Swedish) will be at the Gothenburg Boat Show in Showcase E02:02. Click on the map for a larger version. Welcome! Please read more about the fair; Here at The Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre we can certainly say which way the winds are blowing. It’s set fair for the Gothenburg […]

Rehacare in Düsseldorf
on September 14, 2011 in Uncategorized
We are attending Rehacare in Düsseldorf, Germany on the 21-24 September 2011. You will find us in the center of Hall 9 on the right in the area “Wassersport” (Watersports). Read more about the fair at